Parker-Shames, P., Bodwitch, H., Brashares, J., Butsic, V.
Landscape and Urban Planning
Integrating socio-cultural data such as farmer interviews is critical for ecological models and understanding land use trends in cannabis production.
Polson, M., Bodwitch, H., Corva, D., Getz, C., Laudati, A., Petersen-Rockney, M., Runsten, D., Taylor, K.
Left unaddressed, smaller businesses and farms will likely collapse. Of all actors in the cannabis market, the impacts of this current moment rest most heavily upon smaller producers.
Polson, M., Bodwitch, H., Biber, E., Butsic, V., Grantham, T.
Land Use Policy
There are many barriers to participation in California's regulated cannabis industry. Is there a way to achieve environmental objectives, farmer compliance, and an equitable transition away from illegal markets?
Dillis, C., Bodwitch, H., Carah, J., Power, M., Sayre, N.
The Routledge Handbook of Interdisciplinary Cannabis Research
Will regulation of cannabis production lead to its industrialization? Can more sustainable models emerge for communities and the environment?
Wartenberg, A. C., Holden, P. A., Bodwitch, H., Parker-Shames, P., Novotny, T., Harmon, T. C., & Butsic, V.
Environmental Science & Technology Letters
Explore environmental impacts of cannabis production and how evidence-based policy can reduce harms.
Bodwitch, H., Polson , M., Biber, E., Hickey, G. M., Butsic, V.
Journal of Rural Studies
Despite legalization, illicit cannabis production continues in California. Surveys reveal that small farmers face outsized burdens to compliance.
Dillis, C., Biber, E., Bodwitch, H., Butsic, V., Carah, J., Parker-Shames, P., Polson, M. and Grantham, T.
Land Use Policy
How has legalization shaped patterns of farm location, size, land ownership, and regulatory compliance in California?
Polsen, M. and Bodwitch, H.
Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene
Should collective systems of resource sharing developed under cannabis prohibition be explicitly addressed via legalization, policy, and programs?
Wilson, H., Bodwitch, H., Carah, J., Daane, K., Getz C., Grantham, T. E., & Butsic, V.
California Agriculture
Cannabis legalization opens opportunities to study and share best practices. Our survey of growers reveals starting points.
Bodwitch, H., Carah, J., Daane, K. M., Getz C., Grantham, T. E., Hickey, G. M., & Wilson, H.
California Agriculture
Small cannabis farms are common. Permit licenses are not. A survey of grower incentives and economic implications of California's cannabis legalization.